Get Deepika Padukone Birthday Wishes To Ranveer Singh Pictures. Taking to instagram, the bollywood actress also wrote an endearing caption that on the work front, deepika and ranveer are all set to reunite on the big screen with kabir khan's 83. 1:34 bollywood now 124 851 просмотр.
Deepika padukone and ranveer singh have given a zillion interviews about life post marriage. Ranveer singh and deepika padukone spent her birthday in bangalore, where he picked up a gift for her. And now, singh has got a wish from his special person, his wifey deepika padukone.
A day before his birthday, ranveer celebrated the completion of seven years of his film, lootera.
In a talk show recently. Deepika padukone has celebrated her birthday with ranveer singh in new york. The actors have starred in three feature films. Padmaavat actress deepika padukone during a recent interview said she wants to have a happy ending with ranveer singh._subscribe to watch more videos :
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